Saturday, April 5, 2025
Sierra College Campus Center
Rocklin, CA
California 15lb Combat Championships
24 High school/college combat robots will battle it out in a double elimination tournament for 15lb Combat Robotics Northern California Championship! $500 in prizes. Awards include Regional Champion, Most Destructive Bot, King of the Ring rumble winner
Doors Open 8:15 AM
Fights begin ~9:00 AM
Finals & Awards ~5:00 PM*
Placer Robotics Showcase. 10AM- 3PM
Test Your Robot Skills 10AM- 3PM
*This varies greatly based on robot repair time.
Public Event Schedule
Jr Bots Combat Robotics Tournament
Come watch a new group of young builder get started at their first tournament! 16 PART Jr Bot Builders grades 6th - 9th will complete in the new Jr Bots Plastic Ant (1lb) Category!
Plastic Ant Tournament
The event also includes an Education Plastic Ant Combat Robotics open bracket for experienced middle school, high school and college age competitors.
Test Your Robot Driving Skills
Test Drive a PART VEX Competition Robot from the recent State Championships!
Learn How You Can Join the Placer Robotics League
Watch a VEX Robotics Match Demonstration in action, test drive some robots and learn about the local Placer area robotics leagues for kids 4-12th grade!
Sierra College
Campus Center Cafeteria (Building J)
5100 Sierra College Blvd
Rocklin, CA 95677
Plenty of free parking on the campus