July 2024 Newsletter

High School/Middle School
Competition Program Update

Final 24-25 teams are forming now!

Due to overwhelming interest, VEX Program applications have closed for VEX Robotics Competition high school teams and will close soon for middle school teams. The limited spaces available in the Combat Robotics Program and the Middle School VEX Robotics Competition program will close July 31, 2024.

Here are the next steps if you are interested in applying to PART for the current season. If you have already applied and are no longer interested, please let us know.

1) Complete the Placer Robotics Application Form as soon as possible if you have not already applied. The first step in getting on the contact list for summer meetings is through the application. For all prospective Cavitt Junior High members, apply using this form.

2) Applicants: Complete the RSVP Survey and attend weekly summer meetings (see the text box for more info). We understand families are traveling, etc.; attend when you are available, and communicate with team leads when you will be out of town. We will be trying out possible team groupings at the summer meetings. 

3) Our goal is to finalize all remaining middle school teams by July 31. Prospective team members (new and returning) will be evaluated on: ability to work closely in teams in a positive, productive manner; general behavior; sportsmanship; engagement and interest level.  

In addition to accepting applications, we are launching a new incubator program to help local schools, youth groups, and independent teams form new VEX programs. If you are parent/educator looking to start a new VEX team/program (school or independent), please contact us at info@PlacerRobotics.org to learn more.

Questions? Email info@PlacerRobotics.org

VRC & Combat
Summer Meetings

PART summer meetings are continuing through the remainder of summer (7/16-17, 7/23-24, 7/30-31, and 8/6-7). High school meetings are on Tuesdays, and middle school meetings are on Wednesdays. Both meetings are 6:30-8:30 PM at Placer Robotics Center.

Please complete the final RSVP survey so we know who to expect for the remaining meetings.  There is also an option to remove your email from the 24-25 prospective team member list if you are no longer interested.  

IQ League Updates

Teams are now forming for the 2024/25 VEX IQ League!

Calling all 4-6th graders! The Placer Robotics IQ League team registration is underway. Teams must be registered by August 31 (or before the league hits capacity). Coach training begins in August, so don’t delay.

Need Help Organizing / Finding A Team?

Please use our IQ Team Participation & Matching form to confirm your interest in participating in the Placer Robotics League for the upcoming season.

We are in the process of team matching for those who request it via the form. We will help you network with possible teams by the end of July. you by the end of July with possible teammates.

Registering a Full Team as a Coach: If are an IQ parent coach with your group (3-5 kids) ready to register, please complete the initial coach registration form. The IQ Team will reach out to you with next steps.

Please email vexiq@placerrobotics.org if you have questions on the IQ Program.

New IQ Season Kickoff

Our VEX IQ League season will officially kickoff after school starts in August. General IQ Meetings are scheduled for Saturdays 10:30 am-12 pm at the Placer Robotics Center in Roseville. During that time, the Center will be reserved for the IQ program only and teams are highly encouraged to attend these sessions. It is a good opportunity to work on robots and pick up extra parts at the lab, meet other teams in the program, and receive advice from our IQ mentors who will offer technical training and support for the IQ students.


New Coding Camp Added!

Based on your requests, we’ve added a Robotics Coding Summer Camp! This camp is recommended for beginning to intermediate students in 4-8th grade interested in coding. Note: This camp’s focus is on coding/programming skills using VEXCode IQ, a block/scratch style programming environment.

When: July 29-Aug 1, Mon-Thur 1:30-4:30pm

Placer Robotics team members and returning campers get a 20% discount for this camp using this discount code: CODE20.

Only 6 Spaces Remain ! Learn more and reserve your spot.

Jr Bots Training Camp Fight Day!

Our Jr. Bots Training Camp has been hard at work learning, designing, and building their own combat robots! Stop by Placer Robotics Center on Thursday, July 18th to watch them compete in our custom Jr. Bots Battle Arena. Tournament matches start at 2:00 PM!

Robotics and Programming Future Offerings Survey

Many past camp participants and team members have asked for additional camp/class options. This is your opportunity to help shape our camp and class offerings for August through May of this coming year!

Please complete this short Google Survey of camp/class content (coding, building, combat robots, etc) and style (weekly, 2-day bootcamps, winter, and summer camps).

Click Here to Take the Camp/Class Survey - you can include your contact information (optional).