Placer Robotics VEX VRC & Combat 2024-25: New Member Applications Now Open
Applications for the 2023-24 season are now open for Placer Robotics middle school VEX VRC teams and high school VEX VRC and combat teams. We expect to quickly fill to capacity; prospective new members should complete the application on the PART website as quickly as possible. Deadline to apply for early registration is May 15, 2024.
We will be hosting prospective new member information nights in late May to preview the season and discuss expectations and team obligations. Candidates will be contacted by the club leads regarding any questions and next steps following receipt of the application.
In addition to accepting applications, we are launching a new incubator program to help local schools, youth groups, and independent teams form new VEX programs. If you are parent/educator looking to start a new VEX team/program (school or independent), please contact us to learn more.
Returning team members should have already completed the returning interest survey and will complete the application later to provide updated registration/contact information.
Middle School: Grades 7-8. Note, Cavitt Jr High students should apply to Cavitt Cyber Cowboys VEX club instead of the PART middle school program.
High School: Grades 9-12. Previous robotics experience or related projects strongly preferred; high commitment level; and ability to work well with others in fast-paced, dynamic team environment
PART has added summer camps for new and returning VRC competition team members to get a jumpstart on the High Stakes Season!